A Free Training For District Leaders Making Decisions for Math Programming.
Improved District Math Results
in 2024-2025
Learn The 4 Stages Of PD Every Leader Needs To Follow For Improved Math Results
Access The Free training now!
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What matters most in 2024-2025?
There are only 180 days in a typical school year, so of course time is valuable. If your organization is not taking steps now to address improvement in the six (6) essential components of a district’s math program then this time next year you’ll still be seeing the same stagnant or even declining student outcomes and wondering what you can do to see improvement and change.
Learn The 4 Stages of PD for Improved Math Results Every Leaders Needs To Follow
In this free training for leaders of mathematics education and math PD planning the Make Math Moments team (Jon & Kyle) will walk you through their 4-stage process they use with their district partners to craft clear, measurable, sustainable pd action plans that drive student achievement.
Stage 1: Design & Measure
What’s been holding you back:
Where should I focus the efforts of my pd plan for the remaining of this year and following years?
We did a lot of work in mathematics, but we aren’t seeing the results we had hoped for and student achievement has NOT changed.
How can I create a pd action plan that teachers view as useful and not “just adding to their plates”.
What we’ll teach: A clear step by step process to craft and create a unified vision for mathematics and PD action plan for your district so you can stop throwing spaghetti at the walls each year to see what sticks.
Stage 2: Optimize & Sustain
What’s been holding you back:
How can I structure my PD so that I reach more teachers on a limited budget?
We’re seeing pockets of success around our organization, but struggling to bring sustainable, change.
We feel like we have many of the necessary pieces, but we aren’t clear on how to put them together to form an effective math program.
What we’ll teach: A systematized approach to rolling out your action plan on a limited budget so you can hit your key results by your due dates.
Stage 3: Build Capacity
What’s been holding you back:
How can I get my educators to “buy-in” to using research based teaching methods routinely?
We’re producing too many ‘answer-getters’ and not enough adaptive reasoners and problem solvers.
What barriers am I missing that prevents my teachers from taking action?
What we’ll teach: You’ll learn the most important component your PD action plan needs to include so that students can maximize their reach and how to embed that component in your action plans.
Stage 4: Inspire Growth
What’s been holding you back:
How can I get my teachers to become lifelong learners and take more ownership in their professional development?
What we’ll teach:
Essential components of how to build a team of educators who care as much about improving their craft as you do
Feel Confident That Your Plan For Math Learning in this school year and the next is Clear, Measurable, Sustainable, and will Drive Student Achievement in our free training.
Join us for this training and walk away not only with a clearly defined PD plan that will inspire educators and create resilient student problem-solvers for 2024-2025 but you’ll also gain a renewed feeling of confidence that you will be on the right pathway for sustainable student achievement.
Your Plan For Strengthening Your Math Program:

Register For This Free Training.
Register and we’ll send you the details about the webinar and how to get a free copy of our workbook.

Schedule Time To Engage In The Training
By taking action with our 4-stage process by this time next year you’ll be light years ahead.

Watch Your District's Math Program Grow!
Aligning your vision and striving to achieve your key results with a strategic plan will ultimately lead to real results in student achievement.
When you learn with Make Math Moments you make a difference.

Register For This Free Training.
Register and we’ll send you the details about the webinar and how to get a free copy of our workbook.

Schedule Time To Engage In The Training
By taking action with our 4-stage process by this time next year you’ll be light years ahead.

Watch Your District's Math Program Grow!
Aligning your vision and striving to achieve your key results with a strategic plan will ultimately lead to real results in student achievement.