Professional Development Support

We create and coordinate aligned & sustainable math improvement plans.

So that you can create long term sustainable student success in mathematics and proficiently & pedagogically strong educators.

Step 1: Book a Call with Kyle & Jon

Book a free discovery call with our District Improvement Team.

We know booking a call takes up a valuable time slot on your already busy calendars which is why on your call will help to remove something from your plate instead of adding something new to your plate.

Step 2: Attend your call.

On your call you'll:

  • design customized, actionable, achievable recommendations that consider your districts unique conditions and constraints.
  • get a clear step by step process to craft and create a PD action plan for your district so you can stop throwing spaghetti at the walls each year to see what sticks.
  • learn the most important component your PD action plan needs to include so that students can maximize their reach and how to embed that component in your action plans.
  • learn a systematized approach to rolling out your action plan on a limited budget so you can hit your key results by your due dates.

Step 3: Take Action

After the call:

  • Feel confident that your plan for math learning in this school year and the next is Clear, Measurable, Sustainable, and will Drive Student Achievement.

  • Know the most important component of an effective math program you will need to direct focus, attention, and resources.

  • In 180 days you won't be looking back on the year and wonder if your plan had any effect. You'll know it did.

We parter with schools and school districts to build easily implementable math action plans for sustainable improvement

How We’ve Helped Schools and Districts Just Like Yours

“The difference is night and day”

“With the guidance from the Make Math Moments District Improvement Program this is the first year we’ve had a clear, connected, impactful professional development plan where our teachers see a pathway to an improved math classroom.”

West Carrollton School District, Ohio

“Working with Jon and Kyle has given us a different perspective by challenging our thinking. They encourage us to take action steps based on our conversations and then follow up with us on those actions. Being math leaders is a lonely job and they validate the work that we are doing as well as coach us into better leaders.”

Katy Independent School District, Texas

“The coaching conversations with Jon and Kyle have really helped push us to keep momentum on our focus and how we can make the changes we need to in math instruction in our District. The questioning from Jon and Kyle are all instrumental in really giving us the tools and ideas we need to drive the work.”

Galloway Township Public Schools, New Jersey

Kyle and Jon have established themselves as a go-to pair for thoughtful and interesting math lessons.

Their attention to the critical nature of building curiosity and the importance of thoughtful planning resonate with me. It is great that they have provided so many examples and a structure in which to create lessons.

Marian Small

Author and International Professional Development Consultant

I strongly encourage all educators who teach mathematics at some point in their timetable to consider participating in this engaging professional development experience to move your practice to the next level.

Peter Liljedahl

Author: The Thinking Classroom , Professor, Faculty of Education Simon Fraser University

Kyle and Jon are on a mission to change how students experience math by ditching those forgettable “I do, we do, you do” lessons and crafting moments that students will remember.

Curious students WANT to learn and are EAGER to tackle that next challenging problem. Let Kyle and Jon show you how to spark curiosity on a daily basis.

Their three step framework can help any teacher make small changes that result in big wins!

Raj Shah

Founder of Math Plus Academy

What we're hearing from schools & districts across North America:


We're seeing pockets of success around our organization, but struggling to bring sustainable, lasting systemic change.


We did a lot of work in mathematics, but we aren't seeing the results we had hoped for and student achievement has NOT changed.


We feel like we have many of the necessary pieces, but we aren't clear on how to put them together to form an effective math program.


We're producing too many 'answer-getters' and not enough adaptive reasoners and problem solvers.

If these statements sound like they came from your school or district then book a call with us and we'll guide you on how to clarify measurable goals that drive student acheivement.

How many days are you willing to lose?

There are only 180 days in a typical school year, so of course time is valuable. If your organization is not taking steps to craft and align specific goals now, then it is likely that next year at this time you’ll be still wondering how you’re going to make the changes and shifts you need to make to improve your mathematics program.

Swap Confusion For Clarity & Alignment

Without a clear, concise and well-communicated mathematics vision and a sustainable professional development plan rooted in relevant, attainable, research-based and measurable goals, your teachers will continue to work on disconnected pieces of effective mathematics instruction that can only lead to pockets of success instead of systemic change in mathematics teaching practice and student achievement.

We parter with schools and school districts to build easily implementable math action plans for sustainable improvement

Build sustainable professional development with a customized improvement plan while strengthening the six key components of an effective math program so you can create math moments in every classroom.

At Make Math Moments, we believe that an effective mathematics program must be cultivated and fostered like a strong, healthy and balanced tree.

When you know how to strengthen the 6 parts of an effective math program, you create a program that grows strong and wide.



Transform your team by turning your math program into an initiative with a clear mission.

Knowledge & Proficiency


Help your educators in developing their mathematical proficiency.

Mindset & Beliefs

Soil, Sunlight, Water

Shift educator mindsets and beliefs from deficit thinking towards asset thinking.

PD Structure


Create a sustainable, supportive, and actionable professional development structure that creates change.

Pedagogical Knowledge


Train & Support your educators on effective use of the 8 effective teaching practices.

Lessons & Resources


Utilize resources that designed to spark curiosity as well as fuel sense making in students.

Our program aims to assess & support in these key areas:

Leadership & Goals
Together we craft your district math vision and refocus your improvement goals to align with what really drives mathematics improvement.
Motivation, Mindset, and Drive
We design an action plan to drive key motivations that spark sustainable change in teacher moves while supporting you with resources to make it happen.
Equitable Access For All (Teachers & Students)

Let’s build foundations for educators to become culturally responsive teachers so that our math lessons are accessible to all.

Mathematics Instruction & Lesson Design
Let’s understand the principles and  design math lessons that spark engagment, fuel sense-making, and ignite our teachers’ moves.
Optimal Mathematics Professional Development Structure
Let’s minimize time and optimize the ways you deliver professional development in your district/schools using structures that make a difference.
Resources & Lessons That Work
Access to an extensive archive or ready-made units, lessons, and resources that are built with the Make Math Moments 3-Part Framework, all designed to strength your students’ conceptual understanding and procedural fluency.

Get a Customized Math Improvement Plan For Your District.

Are you district leader for mathematics? Take the 12 minute assessment and you’ll get a free, customized improvement plan to shape and grow the 6 parts of any strong mathematics program.

Take The Free Assessment

Who we work with…

Districts & Schools Committed to Supporting Their Classroom Teachers

We support districts and schools in the development and implementation of strategic mathematics professional learning plans so your team can empower your teachers to spark student engagement while fuelling deep sense making.

Creating Math Moments In ALL Of Your Mathematics Classrooms.

Actionable implementation of the Make Math Moments 3-Part Framework in your classrooms so your students & educators are more engaged, have a deeper sense and understanding of mathematics, and are empowered to take action now and in the future.

Resources & Curriculum That Engages Deep Learning.

To ensure student, teacher, and your success we not only provide professional development sessions, tools, mentorship, and long-range plans we also provide the necessary resources and lessons to reach your goals.

Some Of The Districts & Organizations We've Supported


How Our Program Works

We support districts and schools in the development and implementation of a 4-stage strategic mathematics professional improvement plan.

We Support What Matters For Sustainable Math Improvement

Stage 1: Design & Measure

After Completing Stage 1 you will:

  • have a clarified and unified vision for mathematics that captures what is essential in learning mathematics in your district or school so that all key stakeholders are aligned;

  • know the three most important objectives to focus your pd efforts for the next 3 years;

  • have a set of measurable key results that will act as targets to ensure you remain focused on what matters for effective mathematics instruction; and,

  • a clear pd action plan outlined with our tracking and progress system so you not miss key milestones.

Stage 2: Optimize & Sustain

After Completing Stage 2 you will:

  • have undergone an audit by Kyle and Jon of your district’s existing processes, systems, pd models, structures, and resources so you can understand which are essential and which are impeding your progress;

  • learned and applied what models best support your objectives and can operate under your district or schools unique constraints; and,

  • implemented systems to create sustainable and scaleable models of support so your action plans run on auto- pilot.

Stage 3 & 4: Build Capacity & Inspire

After Completing Stage 3 & 4 you will:

  • have supported teachers in strengthening their conceptual understanding of mathematics around their use of appropriate models and strategies that stretch vertically across grade levels;

  • have created targeted support around the one key area that drives the most change in teacher pedagogical practice;

  • have built a system for the three (3) essential components that create teacher “buy-in”.

Flexible Levels of Support

Roadmap Program

  • Receive a customized training program / course, templates, and resources for your and your leadership team to successfully guide you through implementing fully all 4 stages in the flywheel.
  • Monthly group mastermind sessions with math leaders from across North America.

  • Access to a community of school & district leaders who are all working through the same 4 stages of sustained math improvement.

Who this option is for:

A determined leader or team who just needs to be given the pathway forward and the resources to make it happen. With the right tools they can run with it.

Financial Commitment:

$1500 USD/year

Accelerator Program

Everything in the Roadmap Program


  • Four (4) 1-on-1 or 1-on-small team vision/planning/support virtual meetings throughout the year with our team.

  • 10 Licenses for:

    • Effective Teaching of Mathematics Training Program (for coaches).
    • Access to our catalogue of 70+ classroom units & PD video archive (for teachers).

Who this option is for:

Schools or small team districts who also can implement a plan when given the pathway forward but could benefit from live feedback & support at key times throughout the year.

Financial Commitment:

$7500 USD/year

Full Support Program

Everything in the Roadmap Program


  • We recommend a Minimum of twelve (12) 1-on-1 or 1-on-small team vision/planning/support  virtual meetings (There is no maximum)

  • District Wide License for

    • Effective Teaching of Mathematics Training Program (for coaches & teachers).
    • Access to our catalogue of 70+ classroom units & PD video archive (for teachers).

Who this option is for:

Districts leaders who would benefit from having partner in planning, coordinating, and carrying out the math improvement plan all year long.

Financial Commitment:

$32,500 USD/year

A Digital Catalog That Supports Your Goals

When you partner with Make Math Moments, all your educators can expect to gain instant access to classroom and professional development resources.

Access to all Problem-Based Units

Access to all ready-made classroom math units / tasks resources, teacher guides, student handouts that span from grades K to 12.

Online digital website platform.

Access to all Virtual PD Courses

Teachers will utilize a catalogue of on-demand math professional development courses to strengthen all 6 key areas to grow any math classroom.

Online digital website platform.


Monthly Q&A For Educators

Teachers will access to monthly calls with influential classroom leaders to address any questions and issues that may arise from classroom practices.

Zoom Calls

Hit Your Goals This Year


Goals Met

Make Math Moments partners hit 100% of their intended goals when following their customized plan.


Confidence & Sustainability

Within the first three (3) months after partnering with Make Math Moments district leaders reported an increase in confidence, clarity, and organization.



District leaders who participate in this program recommend it to their peers seeking support in mathematics planning, implementation and monitoring.

Make Math Moments District Improvement Program

Empower Your Students (and Teachers) Using A Professional Learning Plan That Sparks Engagement, Fuels Deep Learning, and Ignites Action!

Email Us

Let’s Make Math Moments Together In Your School(s)!