The 2024 Make Math Moments FREE Virtual Summit

A Full Year of Math PD in One Weekend




Avoiding Death-by-Zoom Virtual Conferences

Empower yourself, elevate your pedagogical practice while deepening your mathematics content knowledge and create real, lasting engagement in your students in this free, highly-engaging virtual conference.

November 15th – 17th 2024
Grade Levels: K-12



A few of the places you’ve seen our speakers

Access to high quality math PD without having to leave your classroom.
Get close and personal with 20+ of the most influential math education speakers in our profession joining together to help you tackle the most important ideas for your classroom.  Through a two-day series of Virtual Talks, you’ll learn how to step over the threshold to feeling confident and successful in your math class, and never look back.
Join us for the virtual conference and make this your best school year yet.



Reveal Coming Fall 2024 …


  • How we can bring curiosity, wonder and joy into the math classroom!
  • How to solve problems without cross multiplying while learning powerful ways to help students develop efficient and sophisticated proportional reasoning strategies.
  • How to learn, lead, and live without barriers.
  • The power of play and explore ways we can play with mathematics in your classroom.
  • How can we empower students through estimation.
  • How we can we teach students the confidence and wits to process content, solve problems, innovate, persevere, and engage in “big picture” thinking.
  • How teachers can step into parents’ shoes and better understand the ways in which they can support parent understanding of the way we teach math today.
  • How you can use “power tools” with your students to deepen learning and solve problems with efficiency.
Plus so much more …
No fluff — just proven strategies that work from educators who’ve been in your shoes.
From the comfort of you home learn proven classroom strategies from experienced educators so you can make that difference in your classroom you’ve always wanted to. 


We hand picked our all-star speakers because they’ve been where you are and can provide you with amazing ideas and resources for your classroom . Their sessions are aimed at the one thing we all want for our classrooms: How to help ALL learners in our math classes.


It’s not every day that this group of highly qualified educators stops what they are doing to give you tips, ideas, activities, and resources. They’ve been in your shoes, and they want to give back to other educators who will influence the math education of our students. That’s you!


Watch the sessions from anywhere. No flight costs, hotels or travel time; and most importantly, no time away from your classroom or family. Can’t make it to every live session? No problem!  Sessions will be recorded so you can watch them anytime throughout the week.


We know that you value how you choose to spend your professional development time. That’s why we’re providing you a 1-hour PD CERTIFICATE for each session you watch.

Interested In Speaking?

How You Can Share Your Message at the #MMMSummit

Session Details

The Make Math Moments Virtual Summit is a free event consisting of both live sessions over Zoom web conferencing software as well as pre-recorded sessions that participants can watch on-demand.

All live sessions are recorded and will be available for watching via replay as soon as the recordings are uploaded and posted to the live conference website.

Proposing your session with flexibility in the delivery format (live or pre-recorded) will increase the likelihood for selection.

Session Requirements

Session Length:

Between 45 and 55 minutes

Session Strand(s):
Sessions should focus on helping educators in at least one (1) of these strands: 
  • Access & Equity;
  • Effective Math Pedagogy;
  • Building Educator Content Knowledge; and,
  • Math Ed Leadership.
Strands of Mathematical Proficiency:
Sessions should focus or highlight at least one (1) of the five (5) strands of mathematical proficiency as defined by the National Research Council (NRC) in Adding It Up
  • Conceptual Understanding;
  • Procedural Fluency;
  • Strategic Competence;
  • Adaptive Reasoning; and, 
  • Productive Disposition.
Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices:
Sessions should focus or highlight at least one (1) of the Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices as defined by NCTM: 
  • Establish mathematics goals to focus reasoning;
  • Implement tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving;
  • Use and connect mathematical representations;
  • Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse;
  • Pose purposeful questions; 
  • Build procedural fluency from conceptual understanding;
  • Support productive struggle in learning mathematics; and,
  • Elicit and use evidence of student thinking.

Proposal Requirements

Your session proposal must include:

  • Your name and contact details;
  • Presentation title and descriptor;
  • Selection of the grade band(s) and strand(s) that your session aims to target;
  • Speaker biography (or biographies if more than one presenter);
  • Website and social profile links; and,
  • A 3-5 minute Elevator Pitch Video* highlighting the big idea(s) for your session.

*A suitable Session Summary Video could be a simple screenshare recording that is unscripted and informal to describe your session. Think of this as an “elevator pitch” for the session selection committee and for those who might be on the fence to watch your session.

    Ready to submit your proposal?

    Proposal Submission Deadline: August 31st, 2024*

    *Submit sooner than later as once all spots are filled, we will close the submission form.

    Brought to you by

    Making Math Moments That Matter

    Kyle Pearce & Jon Orr from the Making Math Moments That Matter Podcast are on a mission to help teachers empower their students to become resilient problem solvers.