Shifting Teacher Practice That truly Drives Student Achievement.
Create a direct and clear vision for mathematics improvement in your district and your teacher's pedagogical practice will shift from "I do, we do, you do" to a model that builds resilient problem solvers from grades K-12.
A Webinar For District Leaders Making Decisions for Math Programming.
What we’re hearing from districts across North America:
“We did a lot of work in mathematics, but we aren’t seeing the results we had hoped for and student achievement has NOT changed.”
“We’re seeing pockets of success around our organization, but struggling to bring sustainable, lasting systemic change.”
“We feel like we have many of the necessary pieces, but we aren’t clear on how to put them together to form an effective math program.”
“We’re producing too many ‘answer-getters’ and not enough adaptive reasoners and problem solvers.”
There are only 180 days in a typical school year, so of course time is valuable. If your organization is not taking steps to craft and align specific goals now, then it is likely that next year at this time you’ll be still wondering how you’re going to make the changes and shifts you need to make to improve your mathematics program.
Feel Confident That Your Plan For Math Learning in this school year and the next is Clear, Measurable, Sustainable, and will Drive Student Achievement in our free webinar.
Join the Make Math Moments Team in our free webinar that will outline why reporting the results of your professional development plan over the previous school year is so hard, why you might not be seeing the results you’ve hoped for, and how you can break the cycle to ensure your progress and reporting at the next of next year goes off without a hitch.
Your Plan For Strengthening Your Math Program:
Register For This Free Webinar (replay).
Register and we’ll automatically send you to the webinar page.
Begin Building Your Math Vision With Us.
Craft, refine and solidify your district math vision statement and identify key results for monitoring all before the webinar has ended.
Watch Your District Math Program Grow!
Aligning your vision and striving to achieve your key results with a strategic plan will ultimately lead to real results in student achievement.
What You’ll Learn In This Webinar
Why teaching math is hard and how you can make it easier for the educators you support;
What matters most when designing high quality math professional development; and,
How to set realistic and measurable goals that drive sustainable change in math education.