A Full Year Of Math PD in
Empower your educators to elevate their pedagogical practice and deepen their mathematics content knowledge.
Your Educators can attend this FREE Virtual Summit on Friday November 15th, Saturday November 16th, and Sunday November 17th, 2024
Featuring sessions relevant for Kindergarten through Grade 12.
Register For The Summit Here
Intentional Professional Learning Sessions Teachers Are Excited To Engage In!
Rejuvenate Your Teachers Love For Learning
Create a spark that will leave your teachers feeling as enthusiastic as they did in their first year!
Create Confidence with Mathematics
Oftentimes teachers don’t engage and implement effective teaching practices in mathematics because they lack confidence in the subject. Let’s boost teachers’ mathematical content knowledge so they can lead lessons with confidence.
Worry Free Math PD (All Year Long!)
Is this PD the right focus for my teachers this year? Is there something else that will have more impact? Will this PD impact students directly?
The sessions and speakers are selected by Make Math Moments so that your teachers will gain strategies and resources that will have the most impact on your students this school year.
Help Your Educators Take Action
We’ll help you share this free mathematics professional development event, increase attendance, and engagement.
Register For The Summit Here

Get Started!
Step 1:
Click the blue Share & Ignite Action button anywhere on this page.
Step 2:
Enter in your details so we can send you the details and our sharing guide.
Step 3:
Use our 3 Steps To Promote Professional Learning guide so you can ignite action in your math teachers so they can gain the strategies and resources that make a difference.
Optional Step:
Hop on a call with us to ask questions and get more detail about how you could extend & strengthen your PD plan.

Your copy of the 3-Steps To Share Professional Development will make sharing the virtual summit event easy for you and as irresistibly awesome for your educators to prompt more educators in your district to take action to maximize participation.
Your Virtual Summit “Share With Success” District Planning Workbook will position you and your mathematics leadership team to encourage more of your educators to engage in the opportunity to learn outside of the teaching day.
The 3 Steps to Promote Professional Learning Guide gives you a quick high-level snapshot of how you can make the most of this free opportunity for your district, while the Virtual Summit Sharing Strategy Workbook will actually take you into the weeds to co-plan your sharing strategy to maximize the number of educators who ultimately raise their hand to participate in this event.
In particular, we help you:
- craft your “why” so that you can clearly articulate this to your colleagues why this opportunity is worthwhile;
- Support you as you organize your clear and concise messaging to your district educators;
- Help you make an offer that your educators can’t refuse when it comes to participating in this voluntary weekend summit;
- Provide sample messaging that can help you support the communication of this event;
- Determine how you will share and how often you’ll share these details to maximize educator buy-in; and,
Provide you an opportunity to provide all educators with professional learning they want and need.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Enter in your details so we can send you the details and our sharing guide.
Step 3:
Use the tips, resources, and suggestions to motivate your teachers to register and attend.
Engage Your Educators With Math PD That Makes A Difference
Get close and personal with 20+ of the most influential math education speakers in our profession joining together to help you tackle the most important ideas for your school/district PD plan.
Through a two-day series of Virtual Talks + full year access , your educators will learn how to step over the threshold to feeling confident and successful in their math class, and never look back.

Join us for the virtual conference and make this your best school year yet.
A few of the places you’ve seen our speakers

- How we can bring curiosity, wonder and joy into the math classroom!
- How to solve problems without cross multiplying while learning powerful ways to help students develop efficient and sophisticated proportional reasoning strategies.
- How to learn, lead, and live without barriers.
- The power of play and explore ways we can play with mathematics in your classroom.
- How can we empower students through estimation.
- How we can we teach students the confidence and wits to process content, solve problems, innovate, persevere, and engage in “big picture” thinking.
- How teachers can step into parents’ shoes and better understand the ways in which they can support parent understanding of the way we teach math today.
- How you can use “power tools” with your students to deepen learning and solve problems with efficiency.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Enter in your details so we can send you the details and our sharing guide.
Step 3:
Use the tips, resources, and suggestions to motivate your teachers to register and attend.
We hand picked our all-star speakers because they’ve been where you are and can provide you with amazing ideas and resources for your classroom . Their sessions are aimed at the one thing we all want for our classrooms: How to help ALL learners in our math classes.
It’s not every day that this group of highly qualified educators stops what they are doing to give you tips, ideas, activities, and resources. They’ve been in your shoes, and they want to give back to other educators who will influence the math education of our students. That’s you!

Watch the sessions from anywhere. No flight costs, hotels or travel time; and most importantly, no time away from your classroom or family. Can’t make it to every live session? No problem! Sessions will be recorded so you can watch them anytime throughout the week.
We know that you value how you choose to spend your professional development time. That’s why we’re providing you a 1-hour PD CERTIFICATE for each session teachers watch.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Enter in your details so we can send you the details and our sharing guide.
Step 3:
Use the tips, resources, and suggestions to motivate your teachers to register and attend.
Brought to you by

Making Math Moments That Matter
Kyle Pearce & Jon Orr from the Making Math Moments That Matter Podcast are on a mission to help teachers empower their students to become resilient problem solvers.