Online Workshop Enrollment & District Pilot Opportunity

Help your fellow colleagues and educators transform their students into resilient problems solvers. 

We’re looking to partner with districts, schools, and small teams to provide professional development support to meet your goals. 



Fill out the form and we’ll be in touch. 

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Learn our proven 3-part framework for building easy to plan and fun to deliver lessons that kids will not only love, but also learn from regardless of their level of readiness.
We’ve had years of experience teaching engaging lessons to learn what works in classrooms and what doesn’t. Our workshop will not only show you the techniques that you can use to maximize student engagement, math understanding, and building student determination but also give you the resources to make it happen.
Module 1: Introduction to Making Math Moments That Matter
How Will This Help Me?
Get introduced to the 3-part framework for building easy to plan and fun to deliver lessons that kids will not only love, but also learn from.
What Will I Learn?
  • Why the 3-part framework should be your go-to strategy for planning and developing your lessons.
  • How the 3-part framework can be applied to any concept and at any grade level.
  • Participate in your first of many step-by-step lesson walkthroughs to realize the power of the 3-part framework.
Module 2: Engaging Students Using Problems That Spark Curiosity
How Will This Help Me?
How to create a math classroom where students don’t want to stop exploring mathematics when the bell rings.
What Will I Learn?
  • How to implement three techniques to engage your students and hook them into learning.
  • How to avoid five big mistakes when using real world problems.
  • How to transform textbook problems into captivating tasks that maximize student interest and learning.
  • Make every minute count with 5 daily warm-up routines that will make your students eager to learn.
Module 3: Teaching Through Problem Solving to Build Grit and Perseverance
How Will This Help Me?
How to put an end to students saying “I don’t get it” and giving up on problems in math class.
What Will I Learn?
  • What Hollywood movies can teach us about perseverance and math class.
  • How to teach your math lesson using real world problems that build grit and perseverance in your students.
  • Our “go-to” tools that make the math more accessible to encourage students to start problems and not give up.
Module 4: Teaching Through Problem Solving to Build Understanding
How Will This Help Me?
How to make every student realize they can do and understand math.
What Will I Learn?
  • How to use real world problems to meet the needs of every student in your classroom regardless of student readiness.
  • How to build on students’ prior knowledge instead of feeling like you’re starting from scratch each day.
  • How to help students make connections across your grade level standards.
Module 5: Planning Your Problem Based Lessons
How Will This Help Me?
How to plan your problem solving lessons so you can lead them like a pro.
What Will I Learn?
  • How to plan lessons for the varying levels of student readiness in your classroom.
  • Three moves to help your lessons run without a hitch.
  • How to use what you see and hear in your classroom to guide your instruction.
Module 6: Long-Range Planning & Assessment to Make Math Moments That Matter
How Will This Help Me?
How to ensure that you are creating Math Moments That Matter throughout the entirety of your course.
What Will I Learn?
  • How practicing to build procedural fluency fits into the math moments framework.
  • How to avoid 5 common misconceptions from affecting your planning.
  • How you can structure your units of study to maximize learning and retention.  
  • How to use effective assessment strategies that promote learning instead of labelling.
I was frustrated with how my students were afraid to “try things out” when problem solving but after working with Jon & Kyle and applying their lesson ideas I now feel prepared to help my students overcome their struggles.
Elana Reiser

Professor of Mathematics & Graduate Mathematics Program Director , St. Joseph's College, Long Island NY.

Working with Jon & Kyle changed my perspective so that I now see math in the world around me and I can bring it into my classroom. The practical classroom-ready resources they share frees me from feeling chained to the textbook everyday. I love seeing how the three-act math tasks can be used and reused to hit so many different curricular areas all in one activity.
Matthew Makuch

4th & 5th grade teacher, Victoria, BC

Taking Jon & Kyle’s online workshop has been one of the most useful professional experiences that I’ve had. I could implement their strategies and provided resources immediately in my classroom leaving me with more time to dedicate to my students and a renewed energy toward teaching.
Sarah-Jane Wells

Grade 7 Math Teacher, Toronto Ontario

“I cannot tell you how many times I’ve yelled YES!! during Jon & Kyle’s online workshop. They helped me realize that I needed a change in the status quo and I learned more than I ever thought I would from their help. SO WORTH THE INVESTMENT!”
Carla Novreske

Middle school math teacher, Northwest Indiana

Hear what these participants have to say about the workshop…
We’ve had years of experience teaching engaging lessons to learn what works in classrooms and what doesn’t. Our workshop will not only show you the techniques that you can use to maximize student engagement, math understanding, and building student determination but also give you the resources to make it happen.


Jon and Kyle are a snazzy, dynamic duo with all the intellectual might, emotional awareness, pedagogical caring, and generosity of spirit to transform the mathematics teaching world. Their penetrating insights in lesson thinking, doing, and sharing are beautifully bundled in the spark-fuel-ignite framework.

James Tanton

Author, Mathematics Association of America --- Phoenix, AZ

Jon & Kyle get teaching, they get assessment, and most of all, they get kids! They are both that rare secondary mathematics teacher who understand that their primary job is to support the learning of all students, especially those who struggle with mathematics.

Damian Cooper

Founder of Plan, Teach, Assess; Assessment and Evaluation Consultant, International Speaker, Author of Redefining Fair and Talk About Assessment --- Toronto, Ontario

I strongly encourage all educators who teach mathematics at some point in their timetable to consider participating in this engaging and informative workshop to move your practice to the next level.

Peter Liljedahl

Professor, Faculty of Education Simon Fraser University --- Burnaby, British Columbia

Kyle and Jon have established themselves as a go-to pair for thoughtful and interesting math lessons.

Their attention to the critical nature of building curiosity and the importance of thoughtful planning resonate with me. It is great that they have provided so many examples and a structure in which to create lessons.

Marian Small

Author and International Professional Development Consultant for Improved Mathematics Education, Ottawa, Ontario

Kyle and Jon are on a mission to change how students experience math by ditching those forgettable “I do, we do, you do” lessons and crafting moments that students will remember.

Curious students WANT to learn and are EAGER to tackle that next challenging problem. Let Kyle and Jon show you how to spark curiosity on a daily basis.

Their three step framework can help any teacher make small changes that result in big wins!

Raj Shah

Founder of Math Plus Academy, International Mathematics Facilitator and Speaker --- Columbus, Ohio


“Every math teacher can relate to the anecdotes Jon & Kyle profess – they’re like “the math teachers next door”!

Cathy Yenca








“If you’ve ever wondered how to reach students who dislike math, students who seem unwilling to engage in math class, and/or students who are falling behind, this course will help you uncover the factors that have led these students away from math enjoyment and success and then counteract those experiences with new, practical instructional approaches. ”

Michelle Rinehart

Mathematics Consultant, Mathematics Speaker — Odessa, Texas

“Motivating curiosity and mathematical sense-making isn’t easy, but Pearce and Orr show that it can be simple, and give a map of how you can take control of these central elements to make your math class work like you want it to.  I’m going to be recommending Making Math Moments That Matter to a lot of the teachers I work with.”

Dan Finkel

Founder of Math For Love, TEDx Speaker, International Mathematics Facilitator, Math Game Creator, New York Times Contributor — Seattle, Washington

“Jon and Kyle are well respected educators and presenters who pay incredible attention to detail so that others have the best possible experience. They are fearless in their willingness to test out their new innovations so that they can share what they learn with others.

Most of all, they are so easy to learn from because they are authentic storytellers who blend their experiences with anecdotes to help us reflect on opportunities for improvement.”

Robert Kaplinsky

Mathematics Consultant, International Mathematics Facilitator, Co-Creator of — Long Beach, California

Learning about the workshop
  This workshop is for you if you are a K-12 educator not satisfied with allowing your students to passively learn math. This workshop is for open minded educators looking to make changes and learn how to build math lessons that spark engagement, fuel math learning in students, and ignite teacher action.
  This workshop is not for you if you are closed off to making changes to your math lessons. It's not for you if you're not willing to take risks that can benefit students. This course is not for you if you think there's nothing left to learn about teaching students.  
  NO! Registration is open to teachers from any country. The strategies, ideas, and resources shared in this workshop are for K-12 teachers all over the world.  
  We want this workshop to be accessible to everyone. So, please email us at, explain your situation, and we'll see what we can work out.  
  You should receive two emails shortly after you register. One email will be your receipt from Make Math Moments. Another email will have all the information you'll need to get started. At the bottom of that email will be a button you can click to get started.
  Yes! If you need a page to share with your department colleagues, or even to convince a friend, then print off the flyer found above. The flyer outlines exactly what you'll learn and why you should learn it. This can help convince your supervisor that this workshop is worth the investment.  
  Not necessarily. Over 70% of our past workshop participants were reimbursed for the cost of the workshop. Many administrators and teacher organizations (Unions and teacher associations) have funding that you can apply for. We provide you with a certificate of participation as proof that you took part in the professional development course/workshop.   
  All you'll need for this are the email addresses for everyone you want to register. Email us at and we'll get your set up!  
  Yes! To register using a purchase order, email us your purchase order information at and we'll send out an invoice!  
  The main difference between this Online Workshop and the Academy is that the Online Workshop is a standalone training on building resilient problem solvers using our 3-part framework. It is a 12 week, pre-recorded "workshop” that has a start date and end date where we walk you through how to start, plan, and run problem based lessons without a hitch. Think of the Academy as your home base for ongoing support and training — YEAR ROUND. Our latest training courses such as our Assessment, Technology, and Fundamentals of Mathematics courses are all in the Academy with more on the way. Plus, you can find all past Virtual Summit Sessions (over 20), monthly LIVE Q AND A chat replays, access to exclusive problem based math tasks and units ranging from grades 3 to 10 with more added each month, and the very valuable community discussion area, where our over 500 active members are supporting each other with discussing problems of practice, suggestions, and a listening ear. It is recommended to start with this online workshop first so you can learn how to use our framework in your class and then follow up after with the Academy.  

The Workshop Experience

  Our workshop is NOT a live workshop. Although we have a BONUS live Q & A three nights during the 12 weeks we've scheduled for the workshop. We created specifically so you can learn our techniques at your own pace and wherever you choose! You could learn at home on the couch, at school in the staff room, or even waiting for your child's soccer practice to end!  
  The workshop will begin as soon as you register and last exactly 12 weeks. You'll have access to all lessons within that time frame unless you're a Make Math Moments Academy member, then you'll have indefinite access to the content.  
  YES! All videos are closed captioned. They were all created by hand and we've reviewed every second to ensure accuracy! We also have downloadable transcripts for every video lesson.  
  Every two weeks you'll receive a welcome email and video where we'll give an overview of what the week's learning goals will be, any resources you'll need, and the expected amount of time you'll need to invest in to get as much as you can from the workshop. Although the time you invest each week will be different, we anticipate each week's work taking between one to four hours to complete. However, remember that even though the workshop is six weeks long, you have access to the content for twelve weeks.  
  We believe that if you are serious about making changes in your teaching practice then having hands-on actionable steps are important to achieving success. So yes, most lessons will either give you a specific action item or resource you can try in your classroom or ask you to interact with the other participants in the workshop on our message board.  
  You'll need any internet enabled device (computer, tablet, smartphone) to access and interact with the course content and us! You'll need access to a printer to print the necessary templates and pages. That's it! Special Note: Please ensure that emails from are being received and not going to your SPAM folder.
  • checking your SPAM folder
  • trying a different email address
  • talking with your work's network if you are using your work email address to ensure that any emails from are not being blocked.
  • If none of those options allow you to receive emails from, then please email and we will work to resolve the issue.  
After the Workshop is Finished.
  Yes. After the workshop is over, participants will receive an electronic certificate of participation via email. If you need specific information on your certificate of participation, just email and explain what you need to have added.  
  Yes. You can earn up to four Graduate Level Professional Development Credits through the University of Massachusetts Global. You can learn more here about earning credits. Please check with your school or district to determine whether these credits are accepted. Note that these credits require additional fees ($80 per credit) and follow-up assignments.  
  If you sign up for our workshop, and feel that you didn't learn anything of value you can implement in your classroom, email within 10 business days of the workshop end and you will receive a full refund.