Episode #136: Your Summer Guide To Growth
In this episode of the Making Math Moments That Matter Podcast, Jon and Kyle discuss 5 Tips to Guide You to Summer Growth. These tips are great ways to take your mathematics professional development into your own hands while not interfering with all of the important aspects that go with our well deserved summer vacations: family, friends, rest and relaxation. Go ahead and hit that play button and be sure to check out the resources section to access all of the links to get you started!
You’ll Learn
- How to maximize your summer vacation while still learning with podcasts;
- Which courses will give you pedagogical power as well as moving you up the pay scale;
- Which book tops our summer reading list; and,
- How to stay relaxed so you’re ready for the school start up!
4 Tips to Start The School Year Off Right https://makemathmoments.com/start-year-right/
How to Start The School Year Off Right [Podcast] https://makemathmoments.com/episode36
…Start Off Right During COVID-19 [Podcast] https://makemathmoments.com/episode88
Revisionist History Podcast https://www.pushkin.fm/show/revisionist-history/
Invest Ed Podcast https://www.ruleoneinvesting.com/podcast/
Take a Course With Us Over 30 Days For Free https://makemathmoments.com/academy
The Ultimate Book List For Math Educators https://makemathmoments.com/books
Atomic Habits – James Clear [Book]
Quiet – Susan Cain [Book]
Make Math Moments Tasks / Units
Sowing Seeds [5 Day Division Unit] https://learn.makemathmoments.com/task/sowing-seeds

Kyle Pearce: In this episode of the Making Math Moments That Matter Podcast, both Jon and I discuss five tips to guide you to summer growth. These tips are great ways to take your mathematics professional development into your own hands while not interfering with all of the important aspects that go with our well-deserved summer breaks. You know what that is. That's family, friends, rest and relaxation.
Jon Orr: All right. All right. Go ahead and hit that play button and I'm sure you've... you already hit that play button, but be sure to check out our show notes page over on the makemathmoments.com website. So you can check out all the links and resources in that section. So you don't waste any time getting started. Here we go.
Kyle Pearce: Welcome to the Making Math Moments That Matter podcast. I'm Kyle Pearce.
Jon Orr: And I'm Jon Orr. We are from Make Math Moments and together...
Kyle Pearce: With you, the community of Math Moment Makers worldwide who want to build and deliver problem-based math lessons that spark curiosity...
Jon Orr: Fuel sense-making...
Kyle Pearce: And ignite teacher moves. Welcome everybody to our summer edition here. Jon and I are on the first day of our break and we thought, "You know what?" We've got to get people started with their summer routines so they can maximize their professional learning experience over these few couple months that we have to do some rest and relaxation.
Jon Orr: Yeah, we're ready to dive into these. And so you're about to hear five different growth strategies on how to maximize your summer so that you are ready to kick things into gear come your next school year. So we're not going to waste any more time here. We're going to jump right into that. So kick it off, give it a go.
Kyle Pearce: We'll see you on the other side.
Jon Orr: All right, Kyle, we are ready to kick into gear with this episode and I'm actually really excited for this episode. We're actually recording this right after school ended. So it's... and we're going to talk about some things in this episode about relaxing and some summer growth and some summer learning, but then we're like, "Hey, let's kick it up." This is our time. A lot of times that we take our summer to ramp up the podcast. We'll ramp up some of our course offerings for this year. So we're excited to focus on Make Math Moments for a little bit. You take a break from our classes. So Kyle, this episode is specifically about your summer guide to growth. So let's crosstalk-
Kyle Pearce: My summer guide? Not anybody else's, just mine? Got it.
Jon Orr: Yours and mine, and you listener right now. So let's kick it in. Let's talk about some things that we recommend doing this summer.
Kyle Pearce: Yeah. We're going to dive right in. Jon's saying, what a year it's been this past year, both in school, out of school, online, face-to-face, here in Ontario, it's face-to-face and online. Then face-to-face and online again.
And this summer we're hoping the big message is going to be rest and relaxation. We're going to talk a lot about that, but in order to rest and relax, that doesn't mean just staring off into space, right? We want to do something productive with our time and feel we've accomplished something while resting as well. So we're not going to waste any time. We're going to dive straight in. First off, I feel you've already checked this one off the list because Jon, if they're listening to us right now, they're going to have done our number one on our list, which is get into a podcast of some type. So congratulations, you're hanging out with us on the Making Math Moments That Matter podcast. Yes. There are a ton of benefits, as you probably know, as you likely know, Jon and I both have gone on runs, early morning exercise, that sort of thing.
But also, I find in the summertime while I try to keep up with that exercise. So I'm listening to these podcasts, including our podcast to relisten to some of these episodes as well. But now you also probably have family trips in mind, right? And time in the car. So you have this opportunity to do some learning. So of course, diving into our podcast is one. Maybe you're new here. And if you are, you probably are thinking ahead to what changes are you going to make next year, next school year? And we've got a couple episodes to help you out with that. Jon, what would be the episode you would recommend for someone who may have some episodes to catch up on? I mean, we have over 130 episodes under our belt here. Where should they be focusing their time?
Jon Orr: Yeah. This is a great question because we have so many episodes. Some people will think, I've got to go back and think it's a series, it's like I have to listen to. Or, you're watching a TV show on Netflix. You have to start on episode one because you won't know if you start on an episode seven what's happened, right? Our podcast isn't like that, right? Kyle, I think if you are new here and listening to this episode, you might want to go back and listen to one through four. But then after that, what you want to do is choose episodes that are that crosstalk how we-
Kyle Pearce: Speak to you.
Jon Orr: Yeah, that pebble in your shoe that are like, "Ah, I'm really struggling with homework." And then search the titles. All, our whole catalog is on your podcast platform. So if you're listening right now on Apple podcasts, over 80% of the people who are listened to our podcast, do, then search the titles, go through them and go, "Okay, that's bugging me right now. I've had questions about homework. I want to dive into that one. Oh, this one's about The Thinking Classroom. I want to dive into that one. I want to hear about this one. Oh, this one was with JoHn Hattie. And he talked about how to think about some of the statistics that he was developing in the studies that he... that big meta study that he published. I want to dive in there." Or, maybe it's, "I want to listen to one of those mentoring episodes that had to deal with teaching online because I might have to start that way, come this fall."
So I would first recommend going through the list and try to nail down where you are on your journey and then go there. And I would recommend against trying to go from episodes one all the way to episode 136, which is this one, right Kyle?
Kyle Pearce: Yeah, absolutely. I couldn't agree more. And really, it's what's speaking to you now, right? What's that current challenge you have? So one of the episodes that I know we're thinking about and we think would be helpful, would be some of our episodes on how to start the school year off right. So we've got two episodes. Our first time we tackled this one, it was like entering into our first new school year after we started the podcast way back in episode 36. And we dove into some of the strategies, some of the ideas on how to start that year off right. To build community, build trust, build those relationships with students. Because to be honest, everything we talk about on every episode revolves around building a culture of learners, of thinkers, of trust with our students. Otherwise, if we don't do those things then it's going to be really difficult to follow the Make Math Moments Three Part Framework, and we haven't just stopped there, Jon.
I think you remember when we went online, we dove into another episode where we took some of these strategies and tried to apply them to the online learning world, which I know some people might still be online, sadly, come September or come August, depending on where you are in North America, listening, or some of you might still be online somewhere else in the world. So Jon, what episode did we cover the distance learning version?
Jon Orr: You're right. You're right, Kyle. Episode 36 was definitely pre-pandemic. As we talk about all of the building, that culture building, it has to happen in your classroom. And then, episode 88 is the one you're referencing is which we did last summer getting ready for the school year, knowing that we were going to be teaching in some sort of blended model or, we're going to be teaching in this different dynamic where we are cohorted and social distancing and we're teaching all day to students.
And I think maybe even at that time, we didn't know exactly what our classroom might even look like. But in episode 88, we definitely dove into how do you take these culture building activities that we do on day one or the first week that we talked about in episode 36, and how do you morph them? How do you change them so that you can do this either online or in a face-to-face model or a blended model. That was episode 88. And we also last summer did a webinar around that topic, how to get ready for the school year, while we are teaching remotely. And that was why our webinar topic, all of our past webinars like that one end up in Academy, Make Math Moments Academy afterwards. So that was episode 88. Kyle, what else could we do here? What's maybe another podcast that we can talk about?
Kyle Pearce: Yeah. I mean, there's a ton of education podcasts out there and I would recommend if you're on our podcast on Apple podcasts or on Google podcasts, Spotify, check the suggestions at the bottom because these search engines are actually pretty smart at figuring out what you might like and what would align. But I'm wondering though, Jon, while we do want to promote the learning in the education space, both you and I are podcast listeners and not just in education. A lot of people would assume you and I are just nonstop. All we do is listen to podcasts about math. Talk about math, read about math. I know for me, we're both going to share a non-math podcast here. Just maybe it strikes your fancy. If not, look for what you're after. For me, I always felt I didn't really understand investing in the stock market.
So a podcast that helped me early on was called InvestED. If you, so invested, but InvestED for education. And I really liked that as an entry point for me to understand a bit about how the stock market works, but then also how to do it in a way that you don't feel you're risking a lot. So for me, that was an entry into that place. I just felt I needed to learn more about it because I can't just assume that I'm going to get a paycheck from education for the rest of my life. And my pension's there. That's great. But I wanted to have a little bit more control in that world. How about you, Jon? What's a podcast that you dive into?
Jon Orr: That's a really good recommendation, Kyle, because there's so many podcasts out there. The last I heard was there are three million podcasts. However, there are only less than a million active podcasts, which means somebody might make a podcast and then it's over there, not being contributed to on a regular basis crosstalk-
Kyle Pearce: We are one millionth of the active podcasts, just think about that.
Jon Orr: Less than that because there's people who are regularly contributing to their podcast stream on a regular basis, not even a million people are doing that or a million podcasts, but meaning a million regular ones that are ongoing. There is so much to learn. There's actually a podcast on so many different things that you can learn from. Yeah, so another podcast that I'm going to share here, I've shared here, I think, on our podcast before. It's one of my go-to in the summer because these come out in the summer, it's always released in the summer, which is Revisionist History, which is Malcolm Gladwell's podcast. It's my go-to podcast in the summer.
I love every single episode. He puts so much thought, work and he brings to life some past history that might be misunderstood. And the one that I just listened to, this first episode from this season is all about autonomous cars. And he has this great segment in that episode about him getting in the car and then trying to fool the car in a number of different ways.
And he talks about how autonomous cars possibly could be the gateway to having pedestrians take back the streets, which is such an interesting idea. Malcolm Gladwell, always great. The podcasts are well-produced and they're just like listening to audio books. So I would recommend that one for sure, Kyle, which is a common theme. I think we're going to talk about here in the ways that we can... Our guide to growth is we got some math stuff and then we got some non-math stuff, right?
So it's, we have summer, my old self would just be, "I'm just going all no math at all, all summer." And then come September, I'm, "Oh man, I got to start rethinking about this." Whereas now, I like to mix and match a little bit throughout the summer. Kyle, what's another thing, we wanted to talk about five things. I still have a growth strategy that we can implement this summer to up our game.
Kyle Pearce: Yeah, absolutely. For you and I, we are... I mean again, so we just talked about how we don't only listen to math or education podcasts. We do other things as well. However, throughout the summer we do try to pick up on new learning and we talk about this on the podcast all the time that every single day we are learning something new. And oftentimes, both in two sort of lenses, from a pedagogical standpoint. So teaching and learning, but then also from like a content knowledge standpoint.
So we're going to recommend if you have the opportunity to dive into some learning, maybe check out some courses that are out there. I know for example, Jo Boaler has had some fantastic educator courses out there. So check out youcubed.org and see what they have going on. Maybe there's an extra program going on in your jurisdiction, in your province where they have some webinars happening, live webinars, things of that nature. And I know for us over here at the Make Math Moments Academy, we've got a ton of things going on in particular one that I'm really loving in this point in our time in Ontario, where we're destreaming math in grade nine, really looking at assessment practices. So our assessment for growth courses, one that a lot of educators are diving into over this summertime.
But Jon, I know that there's some reasons why people might even consider doing a course that's maybe a little bit more formal, like some of the courses inside the Academy, what would be the goal other than just to learn and push your thinking in your teaching forward?
Jon Orr: Yeah. So, Kyle just said, we've got lots of courses in the Academy and you can get in there and get your first 30 days for free, which is loads of time, especially in the summer to fully complete the assessment course that Kyle talked about. It's one of our larger courses that we have in our program. And it's a perfect time to if you're following what we've been talking about in the podcast or on our blog. And then it's almost now, the piece I'm missing is, "How do I make assessment fit into this? We've built a course around that."
But I think a lot of people, Kyle, take our courses and other courses because they not only up their math game or their pedagogical game come this new school year, but also there's a lot of people out there that are looking to up on the pay scale, right, Kyle? So it's some districts I know here in Ontario, we have to take AQ courses for that, which are through universities. However, we are affiliated with a university program in the States. So if you are an American and are looking to up your pay scale, you can definitely check out requirements for your district or your state. We have a little thing on our website, a little link on our website that you can do that. And we provide certificates and we provide some qualifications there that you can use to up your pay scale, provided... it's because we usually on our certificates, we say, how many hours of professional learning you have done in those courses.
That's a reason that some people choose our courses is not only just up your math game, which is a benefit, but also, "Hey, you get to move up the pay scale as well." At the same time, it's like two birds, Kyle, two birds. The other thing, Kyle, we have a course coming up. This is out of the summer, but this fall, tell us a little bit about that, Kyle. We have our proportions course coming up.
Kyle Pearce: Yeah. One of our flagship programs is The Concept Holding your Students Back. We run it only once a year, Academy members can partake during the school year or any time throughout the year. But for those who are looking to be a part of the next cohort coming up this fall, we are diving into The Concept Holding Your Students Back. And it's really all about proportional reasoning and the roadmap to proportional relationships. And this course began as just something, I was playing with ratios and rates and got in some great conversations with James Tanton and a huge crew of friends from the US, and out came this nine module course that we have been working on over this past 18 months and really allowing you to see how things progress all the way from understanding measurement and comparison, all the way to multiplicative comparison using ratio rates. And then again, proportional relationships.
So this particular course is going to be going live in the fall. And we are thinking, you definitely want to check it out.
Jon Orr: We're excited to kick in another cohort. We've ran that cohort last year. We're ready to run another cohort on that particular topic. Kyle, let's move on to our third growth strategy here. The first two, we talked already. One being, listen to a podcast, but you're doing that already. Second, we just finished talking about, which is take a course to up your math game or on your pay scale. Number three is, "Hey, let's get some reading in." Because I know people head to the beach and they're looking for some reading material. And some people just say, "Kyle, I read for pleasure. I might read fiction." But somebody else might be, "You know what? I want to read a little bit about math and fiction," but also it's, "Well, if I'm going to read about math strategies or I'm going to read about how to be better in the classroom, what should I read?" Right, that has to come up, too. It's, well, how do I know? What's the best to read? Tell us about the list you've made.
Kyle Pearce: Yeah, we've got this ultimate list for math teachers and it's hosted on my old website. However, if you head to makemathmoments.com/books, it will pop you over here. And this list really gives you some must read, some great must reads like Math Mindsets, this is one. We don't talk about it a lot anymore because it feels so long ago when this had an impact on our teaching. But if you haven't read that, you've got to pick it up. Becoming the Teacher You Wish You Had is a great, great book by Tracy Johnston Zager. And we have a ton of others, like Five Practices that we've talked about so long on this podcast or for so long. So this list is never ending. You definitely want to check it out. We've got a guide that you can actually take with you as well, so that you can sift through and really, again, just like with the podcast, try to find what is speaking to you, what is going to help you with that pebble in your shoes.
So, that list is over at makemathmoments.com/books and you should definitely check it out. Jon, what is the book that has blown your mind most recently on your particular list?
Jon Orr: I think it should be on everyone's summer read list if they have not yet grabbed it. It's relatively new. We just released a YouTube video on this week, the week of this recording. So if you're listening to this, we released it last week and this is The Thinking Classroom by Peter Liljedahl. And we've talked with Peter here on the podcast twice. He's one of our repeating guests. We don't have too many repeating guests, but he is I think our first repeating guest and we chatted with him about how he got started in his educational journey in the first episode, but then also how that morphed into his work around The Thinking Classroom and changing your class from mimickers into thinkers.
And we've all been wanting to do that, right? And he wrote a book finally on that. It was published last year. The book is published by Corwin and it's a great read. I know that we've been chatting with lots of folks in the Make Math Moments community, and lots of people are loving this book and we can't recommend it enough as it's definitely revolutionized what we're doing in our math classrooms. Peter has done a great job on that and it is an easy read. So it's on your to read list this summer, if you have not yet read it.
Kyle Pearce: I love it. And the book that I want to talk about is one that has really shifted my thinking from a content knowledge perspective. And that is the Teaching Developmentally book for middle school mathematics by John Van de Walle and friends, because he does have some help from some other educators like Jennifer Bay-Williams who's going to be a part of our virtual summit this year. That book and a lot of the thinking from Van de Walle has really made me question my understanding of mathematics in general, what I assume to be true or the rules that I tend to follow and really makes me analyze it at a different level. So that's a great book for you to think about. And then also a couple of books that are not education related.
I mean, I'm going to say they are education related, but they're outside of the K-12 education space. They're more of self-help type education books. One that's really shifted the way I do things is by James Clear called Atomic Habits. If you've struggled to get going with a habit, a lot of people have these myths about if you want a new habit, it's going to take you 14 days. Or 35 days or enter in any number because you've heard them all, right.
People are like, "No, no. On average, a habit takes this long." Well, it turns out that James Clear, he busts through a lot of these myths and brings it down to the fact that every habit's different and it's going to take a different length of time, but he gives you some great approaches that will help you get into a habit so that you can essentially force yourself to make the habits stick. And I know we've talked about it on the podcast before. One for me was always about running. Getting up in the morning and always, I say always, but every now and again, I would feel like, "Ah." I'd make some sort of excuse and the one little tidbit I'll give you that really impacted me. And there's so much more in this book was this idea of even if you're not feeling well, you go and you do the habit.
Even if you don't see it all the way through. So at least you get the routine sticking. So if it's going for a run, maybe I'm not feeling that great. Go put your shoes on, get outside and walk and see how far you can walk. And then half the time, what would happen, more than half the time, probably 90% of the time. If I could get myself to that point, I would end up doing the rest of it. So to me, that was huge. That's a big one. Jon, how about you? What's a big book that really impacts you or that you found really helpful?
Jon Orr: Mm-hmm (affirmative). The one that I read this year that impacted me the most is called Quiet, The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain. I did a couple of sessions on it this year in our virtual summit and as well we've included it in one of our webinars.
And it's a powerful book because after reading this and I think before reading this book, I identified as an introvert. We've talked about that here on the podcast, too. And what was amazing to read about yourself. You're reading about this introvert and what power we draw on, how we draw our power, how extroverts draw their powers and what you can do and what our world is like. What really opened my eyes, that our world really caters to extroverts in business and in work and school. And that's where the schooling part came in for me. That's how we used it in our say webinar. And also in one of our courses, that we use in our assessment course to talk about what are we doing in our classroom to reward maybe unconsciously extroverts over introverts? And it really opened my eyes to some of the habits and techniques that I was using in my classroom.
So I would put that one on your reading list this summer, if you have not yet done that, you can get it here in the show notes page. We've got some links to all the resources and references that we are talking about here in this episode. All right, Kyle, that was the third strategy out of five new strategies. And let's keep moving on. The next one, right, is let's explore math content. Because I think a lot of us are, "Okay, let's learn about teaching and the pedagogy side." But a lot of us still are, "I'm really not confident on the math side of things. What can we do, Kyle?"
Kyle Pearce: And Jon, I might even go as far as to say that, you know what, it's one of two things. Either you're feeling maybe not as confident with the math or you're overconfident in the math. And I would argue you and I were probably in the camp of we never worried about the math content. Because we knew that we could do the math.
Jon Orr: But I was... Yeah, we were rule followers though.
Kyle Pearce: Absolutely.
Jon Orr: When we had that thought, right. It was-
Kyle Pearce: Yeah.
Jon Orr: ... I know how to do math because I know all the tricks.
Kyle Pearce: Absolutely. So we were constantly weaseling our way out of situations based on what we had known to be true. And we knew the rule. We knew we could get ourselves... we could solve problems. And once in a while you get stumped in some of the higher high school grades in a calculus course or something. But at the end of the day, what we realized is that actually our confidence in mathematics in general actually held us back from helping more students because we didn't really think about how the math developed at all.
So that's one thing that we'd really try to nudge you towards. And of course, we talked about some books, like the Van de Walle book can really help with that. The courses that we had shared in particular, the proportions course that's coming up. But another way that you can dive in and you can actually do this with some colleagues or maybe even your children at home, or maybe even some of your family members. There's nothing I love more than blowing someone's mind around division when they realize that, "Wow, there's two types of division." It's maybe not the best party trick, but at the kitchen table with family, sometimes, sometimes it could be really fun. So if you're looking for how you could get started on that journey, I would recommend heading to our problem-based math page, where we have all of our problem-based math units. We've got some new ones that just came out, depending on when you're listening to this.
If you're listening to it, when this goes live Monday morning, you will see squares to triangles. So this is a great unit that unpacks the Pythagorean theorem, maybe in a way that you never really thought of it, right. So if Pythagorean theorem was always a formula to you, then this is one that will really peak your own curiosity, but then also allow you to see how some students might enter into this problem. Some other ones like this Girl Guide Cookies Unit, we had a task called Girl Guide Cookies, but now we've extended it out into a five day unit that really gets to the crux of what volume is when it comes to rectangular prisms. And it really gives you an opportunity to explore. Now, if the division part is blowing your mind, you're, "Hey, I want to learn more about what Kyle's talking about with division."
I would say Sowing Seeds is where you want to begin that journey because this one, it is accessible for pretty much any age group. And it really allows you and highlights this idea of part of partitive and quotative division. But then also lends itself to this idea of ratios that, "Oh, I'm using different type of reasoning." One is more of a rate reasoning. And the other's more of a ratio reasoning, like a scaling. And that right there, you can do a whole lot of learning with.
Jon Orr: Kyle. I'm just going through a question here from a listener who's, "Okay, well, when I go to resource pages that have lessons and tasks, I see what I would use with my students. How does the teacher guide that we're providing, help teachers learn the math on the back end?"
Yeah, that's a great question. And we spend a lot of time. One of the things that I would say we spend the most time on is the teacher guide with helping you with the facilitation of the math learning. So we're not saying, "Hey, go try this out." And hopefully you figure it out. You come into the teacher guide and for those who are watching this on YouTube, you can see the screen behind me here. We give you the intentionality, what are we trying to address this day? So on day one, we're really trying to look at partitive division. When the total quota is known, which is the dividend, the total quota is known and the number of parts or groups is also known and that it's going to reveal a rate. So that might to you as the educator, you might go, "I didn't know that. Is that important?"
And I'm going to say that if it's in the intentionality section, it is important and you have to give it a little bit of exploration. So you could go through this and you can actually see how this might look in your class, but then also do the math yourself. And then the beautiful part. One of my favorite parts is this student approach section where you start to see what students do at different developmental phases. So for example, my son who's in grade one, he would tend to go to this fair sharing model and you can see up on the screen, it's just basically some circles. And then he's splitting up these seeds. That's what this is about. It's on planting seeds. So that's one thing, but you might also get a student who's used an open ray before. So you get to see that model.
So all kinds of things going on in here. So you get two things, you get to explore some mathematics, but at the same time, you're helping yourself prepare for next year. When you are trying to think ahead to what sort of resources do I want to bring into my classroom to do with my students? Especially, if we're trying to spark curiosity through this inquiry approach, this is a great place to start. So you'll up your own content knowledge and your pedagogical content knowledge is going to shift as well while you're putting in some, we'll call it a bag of tricks, you're filling up your bag of tricks for when you do have to address division later in the school year.
Kyle Pearce: Awesome stuff. I think that's a pretty good recap. Like Kyle said, there are tons of tasks covering lots of different topics up on our task page, which is makemathmoments.com/tasks. Anyone can get on over there and have a peak. Only Academy members get those full teacher guides for the multiple days. As Kyle said, we have many units, five days units, four day units that go along with say that topic. We explore that context out throughout a number of days. All right, Kyle, let's wrap things up here in our last strategy. Our first four strategies that we've already chatted about, one being, listen to a podcast. You're doing that. Number two is take a course. Number three is let's read some books this summer and number four, being what Kyle just talked about with the content and upping our content game. Kyle, let's talk about the last one, which is the most important, which is relaxing. Let's do some time. Let's take some time. You talked about this right at the top of the episode about we've had such a tough year and I think we can all agree to that.
We ended last year tough. We had a whole year that was tough for almost all of us listening right now. So we got to take some time off, right? We've got to take time off so that we are ready to rock come startup time.
Yeah, absolutely. And a lot of people also wonder whether we take our own advice. So again, Jon, you and I, summertime, we do a lot for the Make Math Moments world. We pre-record a lot of podcasts episodes. We do all these things, but please know that we do schedule it in and we try to make it as interference less as possible. So right now, for example, my son is with his buddy at the park and my daughter is with my wife and they are out shopping, doing what they love to do. So what do I do with that little bit of time?
I say, "Hey, Jon, let's hop on and let's record this podcast." Because this to me, it's a form of relaxation, but make sure that you relax, too. So don't let any of these ideas that we've shared with you interrupt your family time, that time to unwind, that time to maybe disconnect or unplug for a little while, because do know that we schedule in time, according to some of these books that we've read before. We schedule in this time so that we can do those things as well, while still pushing our thinking forward at the same time. So we want to thank you so much for hanging out with us today on the Making Math Moments That Matter podcast. And hey, before we sign off here, Jon, let's ask everybody to do us a huge favor. Lately we've been a lot on Facebook with Facebook Lives.
We have our Facebook group out there. So if you haven't liked and joined our Facebook group, search for Math Moment Makers or Make Math Moments on Facebook and note that you can actually click on notification settings so that Facebook will notify you. If you've ever wondered, how come I never see uncle Tom anymore on my Facebook feed? Well, Facebook makes decisions about what you see unless you explicitly ask for it. So make sure you go and turn those notifications on, find it in the notification setting. And I think we would like them to do the same on YouTube, right? Because we got a lot of action going on over there.
Jon Orr: Yeah. Each week we have been releasing an episode on Monday mornings, along with our podcast episodes. So there's actually two posts each week on Facebook. One being the podcast episode in video format and the second being a helpful tip, a video about something that we've seen in our group or seen in our Academy community area or something that we know will help you along the way.
Yeah. We released last week's episode or a clip was all about that summer reading guide that we talked to us specifically about Peter's book, Peter Liljedahl's book, The Thinking Classroom. And then we actually released a shortened clip from his session from our virtual summit, just to show you what the summit looked like, but also what they talked about in the episode. So yeah, head on over to YouTube and hit the subscribe button there and the notifications button as well, because we are sending one every single week out just like this podcast.
Kyle Pearce: Fantastic. Hey, show notes and links to resources from this episode can be found at makemathmoments.com/episode136. So make sure you check it out. If you're watching this on YouTube, just click on the link below, it'll be in there for you. Remember that you can find us on every social media platform. We can't thank you enough for being awesome. Math Moment Makers, enjoy your summer, everyone. And we'll see you in the next episode. Well, until next time, I'm Kyle Pearce.
Jon Orr: And I'm Jon Orr.
Kyle Pearce: High fives for us.
Jon Orr: And big high five for you.
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