Episode #148: How to Make The Most Of Virtual Conferences + An Announcement!

Sep 27, 2021 | Podcast | 0 comments



On today’s episode, we’re excited to dive into how to make the most of the VIRTUAL conferences you attend including how to avoid “death by webinar”!

We’ll also be diving into some strategies on how to be more picky when selecting your session plus how to stay more engaged while you’re in them.
Finally we’re excited to make a BIG announcement that we know the Math Moment Maker Community is going to love.

You’ll Learn

  • How you can make the most of the virtual conferences you attend including how to avoid “death by webinar”; 
  • How to be more picky when choosing your sessions; and,
  • We are excited to make an announcement that you’re going to love.
Start your school year off right by downloading the guide that you can save and print to share with colleagues during your next staff meeting, professional learning community meeting or just for your own reference!


Kyle Pearce: Hey, hey, Math Moment Makers. We are coming to you not only from your favorite podcasting platform, but also with video on YouTube.

Jon Orr: On today's episode, we're excited to dive into how to make the most of those virtual conferences you attend, including how to avoid death by webinar.

Kyle Pearce: Yeah, that's right. With all the COVID webinars, Zoom calls, Teams meetings, Google Meets, whatever it is you're using, that can definitely weigh on us a little bit. But also, we're going to be diving into some strategies on how we can be more picky when selecting our session. And in particular in this episode, we really want to talk about one strategy that we've used, and I think you'll be able to use to keep you more engaged while you're in them.

Jon Orr: Yeah. And finally, we're excited to make a big announcement that we know the Math Moment Maker community is going to love. Are you ready, Kyle?

Kyle Pearce: I was born ready, Jon. Let's do this.
Welcome to the Making Math Moments That Matter podcast. I'm Kyle Pearce.

Jon Orr: And I'm Jon Orr. And we are from makemathmoments.com. We are two math teachers who together.

Kyle Pearce: With you, the community of Math Moment Makers worldwide, want to build and deliver math lessons that spark curiosity.

Jon Orr: Fuel sense-making.

Kyle Pearce: And ignite your teacher moves. Jon, we are diving into yet another podcast episode that we're recording with video, and today people are going to be hanging out with just you and me today. It's going to be a shorter episode, but one with a lot of great ideas and an announcement at the end, like we had mentioned.

Jon Orr: Yeah. We are super excited to chat with this. Because even though I think we're recording this in the fall or early fall here of 2021, and I think we all thought that we would be ... Actually, I think, Kyle, right now we would be at NCTM in Atlanta. Right now I think we would have been doing our session the night we're recording this. And I think we all thought we would be in those live sessions again, and webinars and virtual PD sessions and virtual conferences would be a thing of the past.
And we had planned to do this episode all on conference-going and getting the most out of your conference, but we switched gears here for you because we are back into this virtual conference world where NCSM is going virtual. Some of the other conferences are going virtual. A lot of meetings are still virtual for lots of folks all over the world. And so we wanted to run this episode, so that we can give you tips on what we've learned over the last year-and-a-half, two years on running virtual webinars, but also attending virtual conferences. So we want to give those tips out to you and avoid this thing called death by webinar, Kyle.

Kyle Pearce: Yeah, absolutely. It definitely hurt our hearts a little bit when we heard that NCTM was going to be going virtual. On the other hand, it was the right move, I believe, and NCSM followed suit as well with cases the way they were. But I was like, we were so close to getting back to this in-person conference experience. And Jon, I've got to say, for you and I, we've been blessed with so many opportunities to go to these live conferences. And actually right now we're planning a conference live here in Ontario, in Windsor, Ontario for OAME next May. And now we're starting to wonder whether we need to start seriously considering at least having a pivot plan for going virtual.
But on the other hand, when you think about where we've come over these past two years through this pandemic and going from people not really even knowing how to get into a webinar and how do you use the software, what is this thing called Zoom. And seeing how people have really, I would say we've progressed in terms of how presentations are delivered and how people accept them. But as you mentioned, it can be really exhausting with so many teachers in the online learning environment with their students and with so many meetings. Even doctor appointments now can be virtual.
Today, we want to really look at how we can maximize these experiences and talk about how we might be able to stay maybe a little more engaged so that the learning we take will actually stick.

Jon Orr: Definitely. And that brings up this idea of this death by webinar idea, so that we can get that learning in there. And I think you know what we're talking about. You've been in the virtual session. Maybe you signed up for a webinar, or maybe you had a meeting. And you may have been excited when you first got there, and the presenters starts off. And then they're talking about these ideas, but then slowly, you know what happens.
All of a sudden, there's an email check, and then we're looking at our phone, and then you're hearing what's happening on the screen. You know you're in the webinar, but you've lost focus just a little bit. You've lost focus on engaging in that content. You're just in the background. Maybe all of a sudden you switch gears, and all of a sudden the video is now on a different stream. And you've got something else open, and you're just, say, listening to it, but you're there.
That's what we're talking about, death by webinar, because it's like we've lost focus during that webinar, and we're on to something else. And what we want to do is we want to be, okay, well, how do we keep that going? What could we be doing? If you're running a session, if you are presenting or running a session, what can you be doing to help engage with that? And we've got a few tips here for you.

Kyle Pearce: Yeah, absolutely. So what we're going to dive into is first off, we're going to do a bit of a throwback to one of the tools that we've shared way back when. And actually, Jon, I believe it was back in episode 15-

Jon Orr: It think it's-

Kyle Pearce: ... or something.

Jon Orr: 15, yes.

Kyle Pearce: Yeah. We talked about conferences, but live conferences and something that we've used many times. I think it's still a helpful tool for us to use when we're in a virtual conference. And I'll be honest and say, it might even be more important now in these virtual conferences. Just like you had said, Jon, it's so easy to be distracted. There might be background noise. Of course, talking about some of the things that can really help you at least get started is finding a nice, quiet location, maybe a place that isn't too in traffic, not by the window where you see all the neighbors going by, things like that. Find yourself a nice quiet spot.
But then also having an intention to take away those big ideas and put them down on paper or put them digitally with digital ink, or whether you're a typer. Whatever it is that you're doing, finding something that's going to work for you, I think, is really important. And this has been a tool that a lot of educators have messaged us about, especially after that episode, trying to find this and looking to share it. So, Jon, what is it that we're looking at on the YouTube video? You're going to have to be very descriptive for those who aren't watching on YouTube. So walk us through this thing. How is this going to help us in a virtual conference?

Jon Orr: Yeah. So back then, in episode 15, we created what we called a Conference Companion. It's basically just a digital file you can download or print, and it's a one pager. And the idea, like what Kyle said, is it will help you stay focused on the idea behind attending that conference or that virtual summit or that virtual session that you're attending. And what we want to do is there's things to fill out. We're looking at a page here that you can write the conference title there. If the conference has a hashtag, there's a space for you to put it in there. It's basically a recording device. And you want to look at, what big idea do I want to pull from this? Let's lots of folks who do Sketchnoting when they're listening to sessions, which helps them focus, but also gives them a visual representation of what they want to pull from that session.
This page could also be imported into a Sketchnote, and then you can draw on it that way, if you're that digital. Otherwise, you're printing it out, and there's spaces here for lots of different things. When you attend live, when we made this, it was for live sessions, like you'd go to the actual conference. So we've got a section here for new connections, new people you've met. That's one of the biggest things that you get when you go to an in-person conference. I think that's partly where we are really wishing we could go back to. Because when you're in a virtual conference, you're not there with those other people to meet face-to-face. Because you're at your home, and you actually don't know who's in the session with you.
But even if you are in a virtual session, you can still use the new connections space on the page because you're engaging in the chat most likely. And then I know that at some of our webinars, Kyle, there have been people who have chatted back and forth and then said, "I'm going to message you after this." They were like, "I want to keep that conversation going," and they can keep that going. So there's a space there. There's a purpose for the new connections space on our Conference Companion.
There's a big box here for you to write this big idea that you're going to take away. We always recommend that when you are attending a session or attending a webinar, what's the one thing? There might be many things presented, especially if you're going to a conference with lots of sessions you might attend. And there's a lot of things that you're like, ah, so much. And it's like, well, what is the one thing that you really can see yourself implementing the next day or the next week? Or you have this timeline on when that can get it. That's a space there for that, because I always felt like I want to get a lot of ideas when I go to a conference, but I'm looking for that one thing that's going to change things. And that's what you want to focus on.

Kyle Pearce: And I think too even that new idea spot too, Jon, I think one thing that that does for you, just from a memory and retention aspect, having that one big thing helps you remember a lot of the other little things. So you're looking at this maybe bigger idea, and that will bring you back to the moment to that experience. And I want to go back to the connections piece because even though it's here and it's on this page and it could be printed out and you could write it down or it could be digital ink, as you mentioned, something that I think is an advantage we have that I don't know if I've necessarily leveraged as much as I should in a virtual context is how open you can be because of your anonymity. Because you're there, you're behind this wall, it's just your name. It might just be your first name, or maybe it's a nickname that you're using in the chat.
And I'm thinking of the opportunity to connect with so many other people. So when we do our webinars, Jon, we're always asking people who are they, where are they from, how many of our webinars have they been a part of? But a question that we should probably add to our webinars and something that an attendee can add is throwing out to the audience and saying, hey, is anyone on whatever the social media platform is that you're on?
So for example, we tend to use Twitter a lot. So we could put out and say, "Hey, listen, this is who I am on Twitter. If you want to continue the conversation" about, for us, it would probably be math, but it could be any subject area, "add me on Twitter and I'll follow you back." And you can totally build this digital and virtual network in that way. And you can build on that relationship in maybe a way that you might not have as much courage to do face-to-face.
And I know we addressed that in episode 15. We talked about how, hey, go sit at a table with people that maybe you don't know, or maybe someone that you bumped into and you want to build that connection a little bit. Super uncomfortable for us at first to do those things. Well, think about the online environment. It's so easy to do those things. We just have to remind ourselves that that opportunity is sitting there waiting for us.

Jon Orr: Yeah. Yeah. Great tips there as well. When we're looking at this particular Conference Companion, some of those little mini action items are built into the page. We've got along the edges check boxes for things to nudge you in the direction. It's almost like you feel like you have to check these little boxes off, and that's a nudge. And actually, Kyle, we're going to have an upcoming episode on nudges and nudges in math education. I've been listening to the book Nudge by Thaler and Sunstein, and it's got me thinking about lots of different things, and we're definitely going to have an episode coming up about that.
But there's these checkboxes around, it's almost like these to-do lists when you attend a conference. For example, there's one that's share one new thing on social media. So you can check that off if you took a screenshot of a session you're in, or you wrote down a note and then you shared a quote up on social media, or we got a checkbox for making three new connections, things to push you, to nudge you in the right direction to get the most out of the virtual conference or the live conference you're attending.
There's another one that's ask a question in the session. Or if you were attending a live event, it's visit the publisher's area. There's lots going on there. Or attend a social event or get a selfie with yourself in the virtual session. We've seen people take virtual sessions like, "Hey, I'm in the webinar with Jon and Kyle right now." Or this is one that is when you choose sessions, pick a session based off the presenter, but then also pick a session that's based off an idea that you're looking to gain or a new idea. And then we have one back here that's sneak into a session you weren't assigned to you or you weren't registered to. So there's some pushes in the right direction there on the Conference Companion as well.

Kyle Pearce: I love it. I love it. That's great. And part of me almost thinks like, oh, we might need to do a semi updated one just to change a couple of these prompts to take a picture with your computer in the session. But you get the idea. And something I'm also thinking about, and I haven't done this in so long, but it just hit me as you were talking about the social media piece and sharing on social media something you've learned. That's something that I used to do at live conferences all the time, and I definitely haven't done it as much in these. I used to. It was like journaling through the Twitter feed. Or you could journal through your Facebook feed and just kind of like these little tidbits that are not only helping all kinds of other people out there who maybe you trigger an idea that they want to maybe go down the rabbit hole on. But you also are creating yourself your own public journal, your own learning log that you could be sharing.
For those in our academy, of course, sharing it on your learning log is something that you could be doing as well. So it really just depends on where you want to put these things. But I think the main message here, just like back in episode 15, is being intentional about it and realizing that you're taking this time, and it's an investment of your time. Time is one of the greatest things we have on this earth. It's the only finite thing that we have on this earth. So when you choose to spend that time and be in a session, especially if it's an optional virtual conference, for example, you want to make sure that you're getting the most bang for your time. Because that is so valuable to us in this fast-paced world.
So super excited. I think that will be on our show notes page for today's episode. So make sure you check that out. It's also available on episode 15's page. So check it out or just Google the Conference Companion Make Math Moments. It'll pop up. And that's something that we definitely are, you and I, starting to dust off in these virtual spaces. Because I feel like we just haven't had that spark to keep that learning going. So we're using this episode, as we always say, to do our own learning and take some action to try to benefit even more so from these virtual conferences.

Jon Orr: Yeah, for sure. For sure. And I think that leads into what we wanted to announce because that Conference Companion is great for virtual conference. And we wanted to announce, being in the fall, being in September, and we want to announce that we've had our past virtual summits. We've had two past virtual summits already. We had one in 2019, which was our very first virtual online conference. This was like no one was really doing online conferences. No one was really doing Zoom sessions or live sessions or even recorded sessions. And then we had a great success. We had 18,000 educators from across the world register in 2019. We decided, hey, that was such a great success to run an online conference. Let's do it again. We did it in 2020 last year, after many of us had experience there.
Pal, we weren't sure how that was going to go because the online conference of 2019 was still new. People were like, "I can get professional development at home? Are you kidding? For free? That's crazy." And then 2020 happened. And now it's like, we're going to run an online conference for everyone to get professional development at home. But there was like, well, we've been doing that. So we weren't sure how that was going to go, but it was also an amazing success. We had just about the same amount of people, 18,000 people, register for this free event.
We had, I think, 30 speakers last year, such engaging speakers, and then half our speakers last year were live, and then half were prerecorded. So you could catch a prerecorded session. You could catch a live session over the course of one weekend in November. And Kyle, we are running this again this year for free.

Kyle Pearce: For our YouTubers who are watching, you can see the screen is shared, and you can see the date is on there, November 13 and 14, 2021. We are doing it again. Definitely mark it. Again, like Jon was saying, even though the past two virtual summits have been such a huge success, we were starting to wonder, what about that Zoom fatigue? What about that death by webinar? There has been so much of that going on. And by all means, our intent is not to cause any educators out there overwhelm. So if you're getting anxious thinking about this possibility or feeling like thou shalt or they must enter and do this, please don't look at it that way. But we had so many people when we were asking them, they were asking about the summit. They were excited.
Because as I mentioned earlier, Jon and I, you and I have been blessed to have the opportunity to go to so many live conferences. There's really nothing like a live conference, but the one thing that this virtual conference can do is it truly creates access and equity for those who have access to the internet. So we know it's not a complete access and equity solution, but there are so many more educators from around the globe that can access this high-quality professional learning that they may never have had the opportunity to be involved in.
So part of us was thinking, well, should we do this virtual summit or should we not? And I think why we eventually said, "You know what? We are going to do this," is because the people who aren't Zoomed to death are the people who don't have the access to the professional learning. Maybe their districts don't have that support. Maybe they're teaching in a country where education is not as well-funded as it is here in Ontario where Jon and I are from.
So we really tried to look at it from that respect, and that motivated us to do this virtual summit. And the part that I'm most excited about this year, Jon, is the fact that we aimed to go for a 100% live experience. And we're pretty much there. We have one presenter we'll talk about who now has a bit of a conflict. So we will have one recorded session in there, which we want to have as a part of this conference. So we're definitely going to have that recording up there. Maybe we'll release it early, the Friday night or something, to kick things off. And the rest of it's going to be 100% live.
And of course, as usual, we'll be recording those sessions and ensuring that people from all over the world have access to the session, even if they don't have that opportunity to engage in the chat live or be a part of that moment, that experience in that particular live session.

Jon Orr: Yeah. It's been a rewarding experience, for sure, to host these. Because like you said, Kyle, there's been lots of folks who can't travel to a national conference or a regional conference or your provincial conference because they cost money and travel, and you don't want to be away from your family, it's possible. All of those things. And it's like, well, when will I ever get to see Dan Meyer? Or when will I ever get to see Kris Childs or Nicki Newton. Or, hey, I've been hearing a lot of things about this guy, Nat Banting, or Doug Clements. All of these influential educators who have been sharing their resources and ideas at conferences online, when will we get to see them? It's in these virtual sessions, we can, and this one's being completely free.
And those names that I just said are scheduled to speak at our conference in November on the 13th and 14th. We have those sessions running plus a bunch more. We've got 25 sessions running, and you can sign up. It is a free event. Anybody can register. It is happening over the course of the weekend of November 13th and 14th.

Kyle Pearce: Yeah, yeah. We are super geeked. So that means you listening to this episode right now are actually able to go and register at summit.makemathmoments.com or makemathmoments.com/summit. Both will work, or you could even just Google it. It's going to pop up in the search engines. But really this is now open. But one thing we're going to let you know, if you're listening to this when this episode goes live, which is September what, 28th?

Jon Orr: 27th.

Kyle Pearce: 27th. When this episode goes live, you might notice Jon said there was 25 speakers, but on the site we don't have 25 speakers up yet. And what you're going to realize is that actually a few of our speakers are still cooking on their descriptions, or maybe it might be a profile picture or something silly like that. So we are going to have some more speakers coming. And actually we just want to take a minute or two just to talk about a couple of the speakers that are already up on the site and maybe the session that they're actually going to be leading this year.

Jon Orr: And maybe just before we get to that part, Kyle, let's just walk through ... You've been showing online, on the YouTube channel, some of the instructions, because the website has instructions on how this is going to work. And it's pretty typical now that we have been living in this virtual world. But all you have to do is register by putting your email into the register box. Click submit, and what's going to happen is you're going to be walked through a process of picking some sessions, picking some topics. We've got some great topics that people that we'll be speaking on.
We've got topics from PK to grade two, all the way up to post-secondary education. We've got sessions on assessment and evaluation, leadership in mathematics, social justice, access and equity, and then definitely building content knowledge as well as effective pedagogy. So you have to pick a topic, or you can just click all topics and then all sessions. So then your sessions pop up. You click any sessions you want. And hey, here's a pro tip. Just click them all because then you get the notification or the information that if you want to change your mind later, because it doesn't matter which ones you pick. Load them all into your schedule.
Then you're going to get a couple emails that say, "Hey, you're in, you're registered. This is your ticket, which is free, and you're good to go." And then we will, over the course of leading up to the conference, you'll get a couple more emails to remind you about some sessions and what's to come.
The day of the session, all you're going to do is you're going to get an email of your list of your schedule. And it's going to have a Zoom link in there. And you just click it, and you show up to your Zoom session, and you're going to see your presenter live right then. And you'll have access to watch the replay that weekend if you miss it. But you catch it before the weekend is over. Otherwise, we send them all to the Make Math Moments Academy. So if you're an academy member, hey, you're get to get them all in the academy, which is housed along with all the previous virtual summit sessions that are already in there from 2019 and 2020.
So Kyle, that's how it works. So let's highlight a couple of sessions. Which session, I'm only going to let you pick one right now.

Kyle Pearce: All right. For me-

Jon Orr: Maybe later you can pick two, but right now pick one. Which session are you excited to attend? Because this is a great thing about us too. We get to attend these sessions too.

Kyle Pearce: I know, exactly. So we say all the time, it's selfish. When we do the podcast, people say, "Thanks for the podcast." We say, "No, we're learning too." I'm looking at all these sessions. People on YouTube are seeing Jennifer Bay-Williams is here. Dr. Hilary is back. Unfortunately, no Matthew this year, but Dr. Nicki Newton. We've gotten Nat, a fellow Canadian coming along. But the session that I want to highlight right now is actually from Doug Clements. If you know that name, a lot of you who know that name are probably in that birth to grade three zone, that early years zone. He is fantastic. Him and Julie Sarama have done so much. When I click on this one, his session title is The Surprising Importance of Early Math.
And Jon, I know you've come and had to drag me out of a couple of Doug's sessions at some NCTMs. I'm telling you, Doug is such a great speaker. It's like he's speaking to every person in the audience. He makes eye contact with everyone. I don't know what that's going to be like live in a webinar, but his energy is so contagious. As a presenter, he's fantastic. He truly has a passion for this work. He gets so excited when he shares what students do at different developmental stages. And he's actually one of the main researchers, along with Julie, behind the learningtrajectories.org website. We've had Doug on the podcast. So if you haven't listened to that episode, you've got to go check it out. But this-

Jon Orr: Episode 103, Kyle. Episode 103.

Kyle Pearce: Episode 103. Awesome. We'll put that in the show notes as well here. But this session in particular is called The Surprising Importance of Early Math. And a lot of the things I know he will talk about is rather surprising, not just for mathematics, but also just for students' educational trajectory.
His session says, "Young children have a surprising capacity to learn substantial mathematics, but most children in the US have a discouraging lack of opportunities to do so. Learn about surprising research findings about early mathematics, including its predictive power and what we know about effective teaching using research-based learning trajectories." There it is, the learningtrajectories.org website. "Takeaways include new supports and tools for teaching and learning early math with learning trajectories, playfully and joyfully." I am looking forward to that one, Jon.
Now I'm going to put you on the spot, my friend. Who is popping into your mind? And again, I'm saying Doug. I've got a lot earmarked here, but that's the one I wanted to share with the audience right now.

Jon Orr: Yeah. There's so many great ones that I'm excited for. Obviously I enjoy listening to Dan Meyer at anytime I get a chance or Ed Campos, Jr. I'm really excited that he's presenting this year. He's a new presenter for us. As you said, I'm excited to hear Nat Banting. He is always entertaining to hear. But we've got Desiree Harrison back, who was an amazing presenter last year. But I think I have not heard Jason To, who is actually an Ontario educator here. And I'm really excited for this. Because we chatted with Jason when we did our OAME Ontario, Association of Mathematics Educators Conference.
When we did ours virtually this year in May, we held a panel, an OME panel session on the de-streaming of mathematics. And here in Ontario, we are changing our math curriculum for grade nines to detrack the grade nines so that we can open up and get more access, more equity along those lines instead of track kids too early. He's been doing some really great work on those ideas. It was really great to chat with him during that panel, and I'm really excited that he's presenting here at the summit this year.
And his session is titled What Does Anti-Oppressive Mathematics Education Look Like? And I think that question there, a lot of us are like, okay, well, we know we have to do this work. What does that look like? And I think he's got a great session coming up on that. His session reads, here's the information. It says, "There's a growing awareness that culturally-responsive teaching in mathematics is critical to removing long-standing barriers and meaningfully, including undeserved learners from historically and currently marginalized populations. In this session we'll look at what equitable and anti-oppressive math education, both structurally and pedagogically, could look like in the high school classroom in schools."
So really excited for him to share his learning and his work that he's been doing in his classroom and his school board with us here at the virtual summit, which is now this world event. We have educators signing up from all over. Literally, I think we've got a map somewhere, Kyle. We'll put it up on that page a little later from everyone who was there last year. This just covers the world of the educators that attend the session. So we're really excited for that.

Kyle Pearce: Yeah, for sure. And you're talking about global. People are going to be attending from all over the globe. We have some people from all over the globe attending. And Jason, in fact, is just a couple of hours up the road from us, and I learn so much from him every time. Also, I've said this before. I think we said it on the podcast when Jason was a part of the panel at OAME, that he's got a great radio voice as well. So listen for that. And you might want to pop that into the chat and say, "Hey, Kyle was right. You do have a great radio voice."
So this is something we are looking forward to. You're going to notice that these sessions are going to be slowly popping up for some of our other presenters that we have joining us. I know we have, as we mentioned, Kris Childs will be submitting a session now. Unfortunately, can't do it live, but now this gives him a little bit more flexibility as well. We said, "You don't have to stick to exactly 60 minutes. Might be a little more, a little less." And that gives him a little bit of extra opportunity to do what he wants.
Something on the website I do want to highlight for you all, not only is it really easy to filter by topic and search and all these things, but something that the software we use for the summit does for you automatically, kind of automagically, is it actually changes the times of the sessions to match your time zone. So that is something that I think you want to be aware of is that we're going to be doing this in the times, and Jon and my world are all Eastern time, Eastern North America. If I'm in Australia, you're going to notice the times might look wacky, and you're going to be wondering, are the times wrong on this? No, it's probably that the times are right, and it's your time zone.
So it's pretty awesome software. It can detect your IP and where you're from. But of course, if there's any struggles along the way, definitely let us know. But I think really the action item for you here is to go get yourself signed up. And then something else, once you're signed up, there's going to be some opportunities for you to share this summit. And we're going to have a bunch of prizes for people who share the summit with their link. You'll have a special link where you can go and share it at your district. And the more people who register through that link, the more opportunity you're going to have in order to win some of the prizes. We won't talk about the prizes right now, but do know it's definitely worth sharing. Not only because you might win a prize, but also because I think it's important for your colleagues and your friends to be able to have the opportunity to engage in this learning alongside you, or maybe it's in different sessions along the way.

Jon Orr: Yeah. And one other feature we have this year in the conference is maybe something that you have not really experienced, it's possible but maybe not experienced in another virtual conference, is we have secretly given every presenter a special symbol, icon, shape. And what they're going to do is they're going to embed that symbol somewhere in their slide deck or wherever they're making their slides. Maybe it might be behind them in their bookcase. They're going to put that somewhere, and everyone's going to have a different icon or symbol or shape.
And we've got a virtual summit scavenger hunt sheet that you're going to want to fill out. Because if you fill out and match the presenter's name to the symbol that they've hidden in their slide deck or around them during their live session, you can submit that for a pretty big prize. So we're pretty excited for that. So you'll want to watch the sessions. You'll want to make sure you're not death by webinar, checking your email or zoning out. You're going to want to be like, hey, I've got to check the slides. I've got to make sure I match. I'm going to match Kyle Pearce to this symbol, and I'm going to record it on the sheet. And then I'm going to send it off to Jon and Kyle. And they're going to send me a prize if I win.

Kyle Pearce: I love it. I love it. And you know what? Not only is that going to keep you on track. Also, keep in mind that throughout the summit, they are going to be live sessions. We are going to record them, and we are going to be posting them throughout the weekend as replays. So get yourself signed up. You might look at some times and go, "Oh, we've got to bring so-and-so to hockey," or we have to go do this or maybe a family event on one of those days. We are going to try to get as quick of a turnaround and make sure everything is up and available for you.
And then, of course, after the summit, as per usual, we put them into the academy so that the academy can continue to enjoy those replays long into the future. And of course, you will have all kinds of opportunities to join us on that journey if you'd like to extend your learning beyond the summit. So friends, we are going to wrap this thing up. Head over to makemathmoments.com/summit or summit.makemathmoments.com. Get yourself signed up. And that, my friends, I think is it for today? Is that right, Jon?

Jon Orr: That is it. We are a super excited and appreciate you for listening to us. So we want to thank you there for sure. And we know that we've got another episode coming to you Monday next week. Every Monday we are releasing an episode, so make sure that you subscribe. Hit that subscribe button right here, right now, so that you can get notified or get the direct download of the episode as soon as it comes out so that you can listen without missing a beat.

Kyle Pearce: Yeah, you're right. And Jon, every week we have, I think we're closing in on about 10,000 downloads of the podcast, which means there's 10,000 of you out there. But yet the YouTube channel only has, I think, 3,000 or so subscribers. So what are the other 70% of you doing? Head on over to YouTube and check out the Make Math Moments channel. Hit that subscribe button, because we have not only the podcast being recorded with video now and our guests are being recorded with video, but also we release videos that take you through tasks and different pedagogical strategies. And we release one every single week, so make sure you head on over and do that. And remember, if you're on social, tag us at Make Math Moments, and we're sure to say hi right back.

Jon Orr: Show notes and links to resources from this episode, plus you can get yourself the download of the Conference Companion over on our show notes page, and any of the links that we talked about here. Or you can get to the summit. If you didn't write down the link Kyle just said, we'll have a link there for you as well. Head on over to makemathmoments.com/episode148. Again, that is makemathmoments.com/episode148.

Kyle Pearce: Well, Math Moment Makers, until next time, I'm Kyle Pearce.

Jon Orr: And I am Jon Orr.

Kyle Pearce: High fives for us

Jon Orr: And a big high five for you.

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